Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

Auto post to your Instagram Story (No business account required)

Have you ever felt the urge to post something to your Instagram story on the weekend and felt bad about wasting your precious quality time planing your posts? Why not plan ahead your posts to free your weekends and to save your precious after-work hours?

Other services only offer automatic posts for business accounts but there are many smaller businesses and influencers that are not able or don't want to convert their accounts to business accounts. The not satisfying solution to those are notifications which need to be confirmed on the smartphone before the images can be posted. Which leads to another downside: With those services you cannot post videos at all to your story.

But don't despair: Storrito is there to the rescue!

Super Storrito

With Storrito you can schedule and auto publish images and videos to your Instagram story. No matter if you have a business account or not. Once you have successfully connected your Instagram account to Storrito you can lay back and let it do the work for you. No need for waking up at night or disturbing your weekend activity to take out your smartphone and confirm a story post whatsoever.

Auto posting and scheduling gives you the power to:

  • Schedule time limited offers like discount codes for Black Friday or Cyber Monday
  • Plan ahead and schedule for holidays, vacations and weekends.
  • Prepare product launches, events and many more!

Storrito offers 10 free story posts per month (no creditcard required) with all features enabled. Connect as many Instagram account you like, add hashtags, mentions, locations and stickers to your story, work together as a team and much more.

So why not give it a try and create your free account right now?

We have prepared some blog posts that explain why you should use the story format:

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

Ready to schedule your stories?