Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

Storrito Q&A: How many Stories are sensible for your Instagram Stories Ads?

Want to successfully showcase your brand on Instagram? Then Instagram Stories should be a part of your daily work. In our "Storrito Q&A" we’ll explain everything you need to know about Instagram, Instagram Stories and Instagram Marketing.

Today: How many Stories are sensible for your Instagram Stories Ads?

Instagram Stories took the world by storm. Instagram introduced them in August 2016, and only a few months later, the format cracked the mark of 100 million daily active users.

In January 2019, internal data from Instagram showed that already 500 million accounts used Stories daily. The format is especially popular with businesses – one-third of the most viewed Stories come from business accounts according to Instagram.

As you can see, Instagram Stories can do a lot for your marketing strategy and your brand. They also have high engagement rates. That lets you get in contact with your customers or potential ones easily.

Four options for your Stories Ads

When it comes to ads in social media, you have a lot of options. That is also the case when you want to start an ad in Instagram Stories. These are the four options you can choose from.

Photo ads

As you are used to when posting your usual Stories on Instagram, the simplest form of creating a Stories ad is the photo ad. Here you can introduce your product, service, or brand in just one picture.

Instagram recommends using a picture with at least 1080 x 1080 pixels. It will be shown for five seconds or less when the user leaves your ad beforehand.

Video ads

You can also choose to use a video for your Instagram Stories ad. With this option, you have the opportunity to show your products or services for a longer time.

Video ads in Instagram stories are up to 15 seconds long. When you have a video that is ten seconds or longer, Instagram automatically splits it into separate Stories cards.

Instagram lets you promote a video with a duration of up to 60 minutes. After 15 seconds, Instagram allows users to tap “Keep Watching”.

Carousel ads

If you want to use the option to show more Stories cards, you can use the carousel ads. Here you can place up to ten images or videos. Like that, you can promote different products in one ad or show more functions of one product.

When you choose the carousel ads, Instagram automatically shows users up to three Stories cards. The users can choose to see more by tapping “Expand Story” where they will find the remainder of your carousel ad.

Collection ads

With the collection ad, you can showcase your products and directly link to your shop. Here one cover image or video will be followed by two product images.

The user can swipe up and directly see your products with their prices.

According to Instagram, 60 percent of Stories are viewed with activated sound. So, when creating your Instagram Stories ads, you should always put as much thought into sound as into visuals.

When it comes to the length of your Stories ad and the number of cards, you should always focus on the product or service you want to promote. Some products need more explanation than others, and for these, you should use more cards.

Conclusion: Instagram Stories are the foundation of a good marketing strategy

Instagram Stories are becoming an increasingly important part of a good marketing strategy. To make it easier to work on Instagram Stories in a team, Storrito can help. You can design, edit and schedule your stories from the comfort of your computer. This way, everyone has access to and an overview of your Instagram Stories.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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