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How to use SEO for your Instagram strategy

In our “Instagram Guides,” we'll look at Instagram, explain its features both new and old, and show you how to get the most out of the platform for your marketing strategy. Today: How to use SEO for your Instagram strategy.

It’s nearly impossible to imagine an internet without search engines. And because of the importance of search engines, a whole industry developed around optimizing content so that it will rank high in search results.

Since Instagram adjusted its search feature in November 2020, searches are no longer limited to hashtags, accounts, and locations: you can now also search for keywords and your search results will show every post that includes them.

This change means that you should now also consider search engine optimization, better known as SEO, for your Instagram account. It represents another great opportunity for you to push your content and reach a wider audience.

Find the right keywords for your Instagram account

First, you need to think about what the best keywords are for your Instagram SEO. These are the keywords your potential new audience will use to find you through the Instagram search.

If you are not sure about what keywords to use, you can also use external keyword generators. Another possibility is to just try out a few different keywords and analyze the results.

Make sure to specify one primary keyword that describes your business best. You can then add other keywords.

How to use your keywords right

Optimize your profile

When you create your Instagram profile, you should consider using strong visuals. Making a good first impression with your profile is one of the key factors for achieving success.

But you can also optimize your profile to get ranked higher in Instagram search. Make sure to include your primary keyword in your username and variations of it in your bio.

This way, your profile is more likely to show up high in the rankings on Instagram search.

Optimize your captions

For a long time, Instagram only offered you the option of increasing your reach by using up to 30 hashtags. But since the adjustment of the Instagram search, you now have a lot more possibilities.

Now, captions are also part of the search results on Instagram. Make sure to insert the keywords that users would most likely search for in your captions.

Use the alt-text function

Instagram also considers the alt text of your photos for its search results. If you don’t insert alt texts yourself, Instagram will automatically create them for you.

So, you should take advantage of this feature and make sure the alt text is correct. To adjust the alt text, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new post as usual.
  2. Before sharing your post, tap on “Advanced Settings.”
  3. Under the headline “Accessibility,” you can select “Write Alt Text.”
  4. Insert your alt text and share your post.

This option not only helps visually impaired users to enjoy your content, but it can also improve your ranking in the Instagram search results.

Conclusion: Instagram SEO is a good addition to your marketing strategy

Although Instagram SEO has not lessened the importance of using ads or creating good content, it can help you make your marketing strategy more complete. A good SEO strategy on Instagram can help you reach even more people with your content. Storrito helps with the creation of Instagram stories. The platform can be used within a team to create and schedule stories.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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