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5 reasons why you should switch to a business account on Instagram

In our “Instagram Guides,” we'll look at Instagram, explain its features both new and old, and show you how to get the most out of the platform for your marketing strategy. Today: 5 reasons why you should switch to a business account on Instagram.

Options like shopping and ads have become indispensable in today’s Instagram experience.

After the enormous success of sponsored posts, Instagram introduced business accounts in August 2014. Business accounts offer a lot more features than a normal account for your company or brand.

How to switch to a business account on Instagram

Instagram offers you three different sorts of accounts: personal, creator, and business accounts. Here is how you change your existing account to a business one:

  1. Open Instagram and navigate to your profile.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Settings” and then “Account.”
  4. Select “Switch to professional account” at the bottom of your screen, then tap “Continue.”
  5. Select a category for your business like “Photographer,” “Restaurant,” or “Shopping.”
  6. You can now choose whether you want this category shown in your profile or not.
  7. Tap “Done.”

The advantages of a business account

With a business account, Instagram gives you a lot more options. We have gathered five reasons you should change the type of your account.

1. Track your performance

Probably the most important advantage of a business account is that you get access to Instagram Insights. Here you can analyze the accounts you reached with your content, where they come from, when they are online, and how they found your content.

This information can help you understand your community and what they want from your brand. This way, you can improve your performance on Instagram.

2. Schedule posts

For a long time, scheduling posts on Instagram was a tricky business. But to the relief of many creators and social media managers, Instagram updated the process of scheduling posts.

With an Instagram business account, you can prepare your content and schedule your posts through Facebook’s Creator Studio.

3. Earn money with Instagram Shopping

Not long ago, Instagram introduced shoppable posts. With your business account, you can tag your products in your posts. Your followers can then buy them directly from their feeds.

So, there is no more need for saying “link in bio” to get your products sold.

4. Push your business with ads and promoted posts

With an Instagram business account, you also get the ability to share promoted posts and run ads on the platform. These can help you reach more potential new followers and customers.

5. Add action buttons to your profile

With a personal account, you can only type something in your bio and add one external link. When you switch to a business account, Instagram offers a lot more options.

At the top of your profile, you can add a contact button where you can provide an email address, phone number, or location.

Additionally, you can insert action buttons such as order food, book now, or reserve.

Conclusion: With a business account, you can use all of Instagram’s features

Changing your personal account to a business account is easy. Once you have made the switch, you get a lot more options for tracking your performance and making your social media work easier. Storrito helps with the creation of Instagram stories. The platform can be used within a team to create and schedule stories.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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