Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

How to Create and Schedule Instagram Stories on your Computer

Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps out there. However, if you are using it to improve your brand’s social media presence, there are some limitations, especially when it comes to Instagram Stories. There is no way to schedule stories in the app, and editing stories on a small smartphone screen can be really tedious. The solution? Use a planning tool to post Instagram stories from your computer!

While we all love the spontaneity, creativity and fun that Instagram stories bring to our social media feeds, creating stories on a tiny smartphone screen with no scheduling or collaborative features is a real chore.

This makes it hard for businesses to create high-quality content and really stand out on Instagram. Fortunately, there is an alternative. With a planning tool for Instagram Stories, you can create and even schedule stories from your computer. This will help you boost your brand’s presence on Instagram.

Four reasons why you should post Instagram Stories from your computer

There are several reasons why your business will benefit from using a planning tool to post Instagram stories from your computer.

1. Improve the quality of your posts

It is true that smartphones are getting more and more sophisticated. But no matter how great the cameras get and how much more space you have on your phone, smartphone screens just can’t compete with computer screens, which are not only larger and easier to work on, but also usually have better resolution, which will improve your editing results.

Editing videos and pictures on your computer also makes it easier to use more sophisticated editing software and thus enhance the quality of your posts. You will also achieve a more unified and recognizable look for your brand.

Improving the quality of your posts will have a big impact on how people interact with your stories, and it will also affect how they perceive your brand. Experts recommend focusing on high-quality images and videos if you want to improve engagement, increase your number of followers, and enhance your company’s image on Instagram.

2. Save time

As a business, social media marketing is important, but you obviously don’t want to spend all day working on Instagram stories. Therein lies the beauty of using a planning tool for Instagram Stories.

Instead of having to post a story right after you create it, as is the case when using the Instagram app, planning tools allow you to schedule your stories. So, you can work on a story when it best fits your schedule, then have it posted at the time of your choosing. This gives you flexibility a whenever you want which is a lot more flexible and more efficient. If your planning tool allows you to schedule stories in bulk, you can save even more time.

Another benefit: Being able to schedule stories makes it easier to fine-tune your posting times, so your stories go live when more of your followers will be on Instagram to see your posts.

3. Plan ahead

Following a posting schedule will also make it easier to plan out your social media strategy. It’s much easier to come up with a cohesive strategy if you can plan your Instagram Stories for the whole month, instead of having to stress each day over what to post.

It will also help you to coordinate your Instagram stories with other marketing campaigns or tie them in with specific events.

Scheduling Instagram Stories makes the planning process easier and more relaxed. As a result, you will have more time to come up with creative ideas for your stories, produce better posts, and improve your brand’s overall image.

4. Work with your team

Planning tools for Instagram Stories offer another huge advantage: they are collaborative. Unlike the Instagram app, planning tools work with multi-user accounts so you and your team can work on a story together.

Since most planning tools are designed as web tools, they can be accessed at any time, from any place and any device. This makes working on Instagram Stories more collaborative and flexible.

How to choose the right tool for creating Instagram stories on a computer

There are several planning tools for Instagram Stories, but when choosing a program for creating and scheduling your stories on a computer, there are a few things to watch out for.

  • The program should be easy to use, so you can get started right away.
  • It should allow you to schedule stories in bulk to save more time.
  • It should be collaborative, so you and your team can work on posts from any place and any device.
  • A scheduling tool should allow you to use the same features as the app, so there won’t be any limits to your creativity.

This last point is very important, as many tools might let you schedule stories from your PC or Mac, but won’t let you use the interactive features that make Instagram Stories so unique and popular. This is not very helpful if you want to get the most out of Instagram Stories for your brand. If you want to get all the benefits from creating Instagram stories on your computer and at the same time use all the features from the Instagram app, Storrito is the best tool for you.

With Storrito, multiple users can upload, edit and schedule images and videos for Instagram Stories. Storrito is also one of the few scheduling tools which allow you to use interactive features such as hashtags, stickers and emojis, which are a big part of communicating effectively on Instagram.

Try it out for free now!

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

Ready to schedule your stories?