Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

How to use emojis in your Instagram Story with a desktop PC

Emojis can be powerful tools that help your Instagram Story stick with your audience. Since the early days of digital communication, it’s been a common practice to use emojis to express feelings in your messages and Instagram Stories.

Storrito Instagram Editor

The power of images over words extends to emojis—especially in Instagram Stories. Nearly 50% of comments or captions in Instagram feature emojis. Furthermore they are searchable and lead up to 47.7% More Interactions on Instagram. There are several reasons to use emojis in your Instagram Story. Storrito’s Instagram Story Editor enables you to add emojis to your Instagram Story using your desktop computer in an easy way. The following steps will help you to add emojis to your Instagram Story.

Add emojis to your Instagram Story using a desktop PC

Sign in at to your Storrito account. Upload a new file and open your image or video in the editor, or create a new Instagram story from scratch.

Upload Screenshot

You can add an emoji easily in our editor to your Instagram story. Just click on the “ADD” Button in the upper right corner of the editor view. A new dialog will appear, and you can choose your desired emoji.

Storrito Instagram Editor - Emoticons Dialog

After you have added the emoji to your Instagram story drag it to your desired position and resize it.

Storrito Instagram Editor

You can add as many emojis and resize them as you want. Our emojis are always as sharp as your Instagram Story ;)

Storrito Instagram Story with Emoticons

After saving your story you’re ready to post.

If you have questions or feedback, feel free to contact us using the chat tool on our platform.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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