Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

Storrito Q&A: These are Instagram’s new features for branded content

Want to successfully showcase your brand on Instagram? Then Instagram Stories should be a part of your daily work. In our "Storrito Q&A," we’ll explain everything you need to know about Instagram, Instagram Stories and Instagram marketing.

Today: These are Instagram’s new features for branded content.

Branded content is the perfect way for creators and brands to show their collaborations on Instagram. The platform has always endeavored to make collaborations more transparent.

Creators can now request approval from their brand partners in their settings page. Until now, this had only been possible when creating posts and stories.

Instagram introduced three additional options to make branded content more transparent for Instagram users. But they are also designed to make it easier for collaborators to work together.

More possible collaborators for branded content

Until now, it had only been possible for creators to work with one collaborator at a time on branded content for posts or stories.

However, with the new options, creators can now work with up to two brands on one branded content post.

Before approving a branded content post, brands can see the other collaborator the creator has requested approval from.

Insights available for all the partners

Brand partners will also get more access to insights. Not just the creators can see insights for Reels and live videos: brands can also access this information.

This way, all the partners have the same opportunity to evaluate the performance of their collaboration.

New Partner Approvals for collaborations

When creators post branded content, they need to tag their brand partners. However, these partners will not get linked to the post automatically. First, the brands need to approve the partnership.

Until recently, posts were held as pending until both partners had given their approval. But now, Instagram has launched Partner Approvals. With this feature, creators can post their content right away, but the brand name will not show up until the brand gives its approval.

This way, creators do not have to wait before making their posts. The note saying that the post is a 'paid partnership' will only appear once the brand has approved the partnership with the creator.

In addition, brands can now remove themselves from branded content posts. Businesses can either remove their brand from a branded content post using Facebook Business Manager, or they can remove themselves from a branded content partnership directly on Instagram.

To do so, brands must tap on the three dots on the right-hand side above the post and select the remove option.

Conclusion: Instagram stories are the foundation of a good marketing strategy

Instagram stories are becoming an increasingly important part of a good marketing strategy. To make it easier to work on Instagram stories in a team, Storrito can help. You can design, edit and schedule your stories from the comfort of your computer. This way, everyone has access to and an overview of your Instagram stories.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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