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Instagram Stories: 3 content ideas for florists

Instagram marketing can be challenging for businesses. To stand out from the crowd, creativity is key. In our "Content Ideas" series, we'll show you three ideas for reaching and engaging your target audience on Instagram. Today: Instagram story ideas for florists.

1. Show off your creations

Show your followers your craft. This can be regular bouquets you tie for daily sales, or bouquets for special occasions, such as bridal bouquets. This way, you show your followers what you can do and you get them inspired to make a purchase.

Additionally, ask your customers if you can link to them in the stories. This builds trust because your followers will see that real people are buying your bouquets.

2. Let your followers vote

In the morning, before you start tying your bouquets, create a few stories that let your followers decide which flowers to use. Then, show off the finished result in your Instagram Stories too.

Additionally, offer your followers the opportunity to buy these bouquets directly from your store. Offer a discount for anyone who shares your Instagram story.

3. Follow me around

Take your followers with you on a typical day at work. At the same time, answer the most important questions: When does your day start? Where do you order your flowers? Are the flowers delivered, or do you go to the wholesale market yourself to choose them? How can cusomers order an individual bouquet from you?

Save your stories in the highlights so that new followers can see all the answers right away.

Conclusion: Be creative in your Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are the perfect tool to let your creativity run wild. Try the ideas we have give here, or experiment with other ideas to stand out from the crowd.

Instagram Stories don't have to be time-consuming: With Storrito, you can create and schedule your stories in minutes from your computer. Storrito takes care of the rest, so you can focus on your customers.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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