Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

Storrito Q&A: What happens when someone mentions me in their Instagram Story?

Want to successfully showcase your brand on Instagram? Then Instagram Stories should be a part of your daily work. In our "Storrito Q&A" we’ll explain everything you need to know about Instagram, Instagram Stories and Instagram Marketing.

Today: what happens when someone mentions me in their Instagram Story?

Instagram Stories can be used not only to share your own content, but to also tag other people and businesses. Businesses can also use the feature to tag their followers.

Today, we'll explain what happens when someone mentions you in their Instagram Story. When someone mentions you, first of all, your username becomes visible in the story. Anyone can tap on your username and go directly to your profile, unless you have your profile set to private.

Stories that mention you won't appear on your profile or in your tagged photos though. And these stories will be deleted after 24 hours, unless the person adds them to their Highlights with the tag.

How do I know when someone mentions me in their Instagram story?

This depends on whether you're following the person or not. When a person you're following mentions you, you'll get a message on Instagram Direct with a preview of the story.

If a person who you are not following mentions you, you will also get a message on Instagram Direct. However, this will show up as a message request in your inbox.

To accept or reject the message, swipe left on it, or tap and hold it. Then, select “Delete” or “Accept.” You'll then be able to view the story where you were tagged.

How can I edit my mentions later?

Basically, you can manage your mentions in your privacy settings. Here, you can select the audience that is allowed to tag or mention you on Instagram. If someone who is not in your selected audience wants to tag you, he or she will see that you don't allow everyone to tag or mention you.

Once someone has mentioned you on their Instagram, you have no way to remove your username from it. However, if you don't agree with being tagged, you can report the story:

1. Open the story.

2. Tap the three dots at the bottom of the photo or video you want to report.

3. Tap "Report" and follow the on-screen instructions.

Reporting is completely anonymous. The only time this doesn't apply is when you're reporting copyright infringement. Otherwise, the owner of the account you report will not be told who reported the account.

Conclusion: Instagram Stories are the foundation of a good marketing strategy

Instagram Stories are becoming an increasingly important part of a good marketing strategy. To make it easier to work on Instagram Stories as a team, Storrito can help. You can design, edit and schedule your stories from the comfort of your computer. This way, everyone has access to and an overview of your Instagram Stories.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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