Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

Storrito Q&A: What are Instagram guides?

Want to successfully showcase your brand on Instagram? Then Instagram Stories should be a part of your daily work. In our "Storrito Q&A," we’ll explain everything you need to know about Instagram, Instagram Stories and Instagram Marketing.

What are Instagram guides?

Instagram guides are subpages on a profile where posts can be created. Followers can check these to get more information additional added value on certain topics. Followers can find previously created guides on your profile when they click on the open book icon.

With Instagram guides, storytelling and creativity can be combined. Here, helpful topics or tips for followers have a home. At the same time, you can link to posts that were previously made by you or other users.

In total, there are three different types of guides: for 1) content, 2) products, and 3) places. An Instagram guide always starts with a title and a cover image. The title image can be inserted independently of your posts and always appears in portrait format.

After choosing a short introductory text, it's time to create the individual sections. These sections each have their own headline and text. A post that has already been published on Instagram is linked in each case. An external post or link cannot be inserted.

Followers can then click on the post from the guide to go to the original post.

An Instagram guide can be created in just four steps:

1. Go to your Instagram account and click the "+" in the top left corner.

2. Select "Guide."

3. Choose whether it's about content, a product, or a place.

4. Create your guide.

You can still edit your published guides afterwards and add or delete elements.

Conclusion: Instagram Stories are the foundation of a good marketing strategy

Instagram Stories are becoming an increasingly important part of a good marketing strategy. To make it easier to work on Instagram Stories as a team, we suggest using Storrito. You can design, edit and schedule your stories from the comfort of your computer. This way, everyone has access to and an overview of your Instagram Stories.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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