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Instagram Stories: 3 content ideas for supermarkets

Instagram marketing can be challenging for businesses. To stand out from the crowd, creativity is key. In our "Content Ideas" series, we'll show you three ideas to reach and engage your target audience on Instagram. Today: Instagram Story ideas for supermarkets.

1. Virtual tour of the store

Give your followers an exciting insight into your store. The best way to do this is with a virtual tour in Instagram Stories. You build trust with your followers by letting them know exactly what your store is like. On the other hand, it also creates curiosity when they see a product they can't get from your competitors.

2. Do a contest with your followers

Instagram Stories are meant to be interactive and fun: therefore, announce a contest for your followers. How long does it take to stock a shelf? Or how many products can be scanned within one minute? Let your viewers guess in the comments.

Then, after the contest, raffle off a gift certificate or discount code for their next purchase.

3. Look behind the scenes

Take your followers with you for a whole day in your everyday work to strengthen your brand and build trust. You can do this simply by giving them a look behind the scenes.

What happens before the first customer comes into the store? How does a delivery of goods actually work? When do you know when you have to order new goods?

Conclusion: Be creative in your Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are the perfect tool to let your creativity flow. Try new ideas like these, or experiment with more ideas to stand out from the crowd.

Instagram Stories don't have to be time-consuming: Use Storrito to create and schedule your Stories in minutes from your computer. Storrito does the rest so you can focus on your customers!

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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