Storrito is your autopilot forInstagram Stories

Storrito Q&A: How can businesses make the most of Instagram Stories?

Want to successfully showcase your brand on Instagram? Then Instagram Stories should be a part of your daily work. In our "Storrito Q&A," we’ll explain everything you need to know about Instagram, Instagram Stories and Instagram marketing.

How can businesses make the most of Instagram Stories?

Instagram is more than a platform where users upload pictures and videos. Storytelling in particular can be an interesting way for businesses to increase their reach. Here, we’ll give three tips for companies on how to make the most of their Instagram Stories.

1. Show stories from real life

The more real a story is, the more interesting it will be for followers. The company gives a peek behind the curtain and lets followers see real footage of the company. If a company wants to produce authentic Instagram stories, real life scenes, ideally in real time, are important.

2. Respond to the wishes of followers

Businesses usually get direct feedback from their followers. This feedback is nothing but the wishes of the followers. Possible wishes could be:

  • Information about products and offers
  • Content that includes tips and advice
  • Announcements about new products
  • Stories that feel genuine (for example, a behind-the-scenes look at the company)

When a company responds to followers' requests, the interaction rate automatically increases.

3. Increase your own reach

To boost the reach of their own Instagram stories, businesses can use a variety of tools.

  • Incorporate hashtags: Companies can include hashtags in their stories in order to reach even more people. Conversely, influencers also have the option to use hashtags from a company in their content. This increases their reach when they feature a product or the brand.
  • Use location tags: Similar effects can be achieved by companies when they include location tags and locations in their Instagram stories and thus reach new users. Especially when stories are created as part of an event or at famous locations, these options are helpful and bring new followers.
  • Include links: When businesses include links in their Instagram stories, they can provide information that goes beyond the content of the story. Clicking the link takes interested users to the linked page. For example, you can link to products, sign-up pages, or the website itself. Interested followers won’t have the chance to forget if they click the link right away.

Conclusion: Instagram Stories are the foundation of a good marketing strategy

Instagram Stories are becoming an increasingly important part of a good marketing strategy. To make it easier to work on Instagram Stories as a team, Storrito can help. You can design, edit and schedule your Stories from the comfort of your computer. This way, everyone has access to and an overview of your Instagram stories.

Tobias ManrothAuthor image
Tobias Manroth
CMO at Storrito

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